interview with kshitij kankaria

For AMBITION Issue #004, we had the absolute pleasure of chatting with Indian icon, Kshitij Kankaria. A stylist, creative director, agency founder and editor of his very own magazine, Kshitij is a creative genius in every sense of the phrase. We find out a little more about the mindset behind the magic...‍

Where does your ambition come from?

I can’t track it down but over time, I realised I’m the kind of person who can’t be in the same place I was yesterday. Growth towards ‘better’ comes first for me. We are all living in a box and life is too short and I want to explore, do and say as many things as I can. Maybe that is what people see and call it being ambitious. But honestly, I’m just chilling and doing what I enjoy.

Do you think coming from an emerging nation like India has helped or hindered your progress/trajectory?

Not at all, in fact, on the work front, being Indian is my biggest power. Outside of India walking into a room, it’s the first thing people notice and appreciate.

You come from a small town in central India, but you’re now a globally recognised figure. Did you always know you were destined for big things?

When you hear and read about “dream big and it will happen”, it doesn’t make sense until at some point moving in the direction of that goal, you begin to start seeing your dream up close and you start believing in yourself even more. I think being from a small town helped me be neutral during failures, as it always kept me grounded. Even today, a small achievement makes me feel I did big things as I can go back to my younger self and think ‘damn I would kill to have what I have right now’. I try to keep myself in a place where I can keep growing and not settle or be comfortable.

As someone born into a family of doctors, did you find it difficult to break the mould and pursue your own passions?

Even though professionally my family comes from a medical background in a small town in central India, I was never into fitting into the mould, my family always gave me immense freedom to explore. But when you have the freedom, you also have a lot of responsibility to do the right things. And it’s not always easy to do that when you are that young. But the urge to be better made me the person I am, and for me, that comes down to discipline. Unknown territories don’t make me nervous anymore. If anything, it builds a safety net around you to remind you about who you are over time.

What process do you go through to make yourself comfortable with unknown territories?

It took me a very long process to get to a place where I wasn’t always feeling very nervous. Even now I get that feeling sometimes. But when you do something for a long time, it becomes boring and only the risk of the unknown gives you that thrill. Especially if you know that territory is not your prime ground. You think of the worst possible scenario and it never ends up being that bad.

For someone who forged his own path in fashion, what advice would you give to the next generation of creatives?

Know yourself well before you join into anyone’s journey. Fashion is a place that gives you instant gratification, but in the long term, can make you lonely and vulnerable so make sure you’re aware of being secure in yourself first and have a bigger goal than just getting attention from the world.

You started off in fashion, but now lead numerous creative ventures (an agency, a magazine, and more) – do you think it’s important for people to not box themselves into a profession and always be open to new pathways?

There are many people I adore and whose work I am obsessed with who are niche to their craft and they do it so fucking well. I’m just not that person. The good part about making a living out of your own creativity is that it gives you the freedom to do things you enjoy and where you think your power lies. Else the whole point of doing what you love is lost. Be in the box and be great. But keep your mind open.

Have you actively tried to build up your personal brand or has your work done a lot of the talking for you?

The last few years, I didn't even have time or to be honest, the need to work on myself as a brand as I already had so many things going on which needed my attention. I’d rather talk about my work than myself because my personal style or skincare is not that interesting, to be honest. When I was approached to get a PR agent that didn't sit well with me.

How do you ensure your creative juices consistently stay flowing and how can others be more creative?

Personally, I don’t have a formula for that. I’m highly privileged to have a life where I meet different creatives and am able to have debates that give you entry into different minds. So I guess being open to understanding others and where they come from really helps my creativity.

What’s a goal that you’ve surprised yourself by achieving?

Dirty – my magazine

If you were to leave our readers with some words of wisdom, what would they be?

Try to be alone with yourself for a few hours every day.

Where will Kshitij Kankaria’s ambition take him next?

On a holiday

If you want to see those holiday snaps, as well as keep up with a whole lot of beautiful-curated, artistic and inspiring content, be sure to follow Kshitij Kankaria. And as always, you can subscribe down below to get future issues of AMBITION direct to your inbox.‍