interview with Ravneet Gill

AMBITION Issue #003 is here! We are thrilled to have spoken with superstar Ravneet Gill this month –  a pastry chef, cookbook author, and columnist who's taking the hospitality industry by storm. Rav is also the founder of Countertalk, a platform and community that promotes both opportunities and healthy work environments within the food industry. Her hard work is clearly paying off, as she kicked off this year by being appointed the newest judge on Junior Bake Off. In this interview, Rav shares her secrets to standing up against competition, and just how important it is to get out of your comfort zone.

Where does your ambition come from?

Taking full responsibility and accountability for my future and journey

For many, baking is a hobby, but for you it’s a career. What made you decide to take it to the next level?

I rejected a PhD to go and become a pastry chef – I felt like I couldn't really go back on it once I'd made that decision!

You reveal the secret to successful baking in your book The Pastry Chef’s Guide – what lessons from baking translate into everyday life?

Baking requires A LOT of patience and perseverance... I think those two apply to everyday life.

What’s been the single most important factor in building your impressive personal brand?

I think building slowly and not necessarily for the direct intention of building a brand, but more so as a way of finding a place to showcase my work.

You get so much positive interaction from your community on social media – how have you built such a loyal and engaged following?

Again, I think it's through organic growth and being original. I think the moment I stopped caring about what other people thought I was able to be myself on socials and people really resonated with that. Now, people message me saying how they love to see the real side of my life which has included living with a 90 year old through the pandemic... ha!

The hospitality industry is a very competitive landscape. What would you say to the chef/food blogger/food business owner looking to stand out from the rest?

There's a lot of noise, so be authentic, original, and don't take things too seriously!

If there’s one thing recent times have taught us, it’s the need to be able to pivot. How did you know it was the right move to pivot when you set up your new pop-up bakery-turned-online pastry school, PUFF?

I had been teaching pastry classes in real life for a while and thought it would be fun to move them online. I called up my colleague at the time who was really down and told her about this idea I had. I gave us both a deadline of 4 hours to get our ideas on paper and after that it was go go go! The school has now closed for admissions but we ended up with over 6k students! It was a really brilliant way to connect with people through what was such a weird time.

Hospitality is known for stressful work environments and unhealthy work/life balance. What made you decide to be the one to set up a community to support your industry?

It took me so long to find good places to work and once I did it changed everything, and that was right before I wanted to quit cheffing altogether. I didn't always view hospitality as a place where I could be financially stable and happy, but it is totally possible. I want to show people that good places do exist before they give up and how important it is to hold yourself accountable for your career journey. Environment and mindset makes a huge difference.

What specific changes do you want to bring to your industry?

Better workplace practice so people love going to work and have respect for the businesses owners and vice versa. A lot of the time staff are seen as disposable but they are often a food businesses biggest asset.

How often do you force yourself outside your comfort zone and how important is it to do so?

ALL of the time, I think if you float at comfortable you'll stay at average.

What’s the most memorable piece of wisdom you’ve received?

Give without expectation.

If you had a microphone and the whole world was listening, what would you say?

Clean hearts always win!

Where will Ravneet Gill’s ambition take her next?

I've just finished writing my second book, we've got big plans with Countertalk in the real world - more live events and more community building and I'm working on a few more projects that I'll be shouting about very soon...

Thank you so much to Rav for speaking with us and we're wishing her all best in her future endeavours, which will undoubtably be huge successes. Join Rav's community by following her on Instagram and subscribe down below to get our next Issue direct to your inbox.