6 Ways To Spark Creative Inspiration

6 Ways To Spark Creative Inspiration

Whether we like it or not, creativity is often fleeting - something that doesn’t go down too well when working in a creative field. Brilliant ideas might come to you one day while a creative block or barrier might appear the next. But when the tank is empty and the inspiration is low, don’t panic. Here are some tips for how to get the juices flowing again: 

1. Listen to music 

Music can be a powerful neurological tool that can totally change our mindset and mood, as well as how we perceive the world. Explore new genres, listen to the lyrics and absorb how the artists are expressing themselves. 

2. Flip through magazines

After staring at screens all day, it can be incredibly inspiring to turn physical pages of magazines, new or old, and take notes or rip out pages to save them. Fashion magazines can have extremely creative advertisements while lifestyle magazines have beautiful photography to appreciate.

3. Watch a film 

Movies are the most wonderful form of escapism, allowing us to gain a new perspective on our own lives once they finish. They allow us to see the world with a little more sparkle. Old films in particular give us insight into a different period. From the costumes and storyline to the set design and cinematography, a world of inspiration awaits. 

4. Head to a museum

Appreciating works of art by the greats might be just the kick of inspiration you need. Many artists we know and love now were underappreciated in their time - all the more reason to just get to work and not worry about the internal criticism that might be holding us back. A statue might inspire a photograph or a painting might inspire a clothing line. The exposure to other people’s creative expressions can help our own creative process. 

5. Read a book

Dr. Seuss once wrote, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Reading regularly strengthens connections in the brain, improving memory and concentration. It helps avoid the brain fog that often comes with a creative block. 

6. Take a walk 

We mean it. Stanford researchers found that walking boosts creative inspiration. It energises our brains, reduces stress, improves our mood, and can boost communication. Even the late Steve Jobs was known for often holding meetings while walking around with his team. Shake up your environment and go for a nature walk or a city stroll. After exposing yourself to the other routes of creative inspirations above, the walk might just be what brings it all together. 

As author Bruce Garrabrandt once said, “Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones,” so give these ordinary tasks a try and you never know what inspiration might just strike.

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AXJ is a  London-based digital marketing agency dedicated to bringing hospitality brands to life on social. If you're looking for an extra creative input for your marketing strategies, get in touch.